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63 inch ARF Art Scholl’s Super Chipmunk

63 inch ARF Art Scholl’s Super Chipmunk

63 inch ARF Art Scholl’s super chipmunk. Fiberglass, scale fuse. I had one I flew on a 70 surpass. Flies…
Total views: 12
Price: $ 250.00
HSD Cessna 182

HSD Cessna 182

HSD Cessna 182. Much better quality than eflite’s 150. New, they are 369 + shipping and tax. Asking 225! It…
Total views: 7
Price: $ 225.00
Flightline F7F Tigercat Twin

Flightline F7F Tigercat Twin

Flightline f7f tigercat twin. 63 inch wing. Great flying twin! Done in night fighter black.. asking 230.
Total views: 7
Price: $ 230.00
Phoenix Models 78 inch P-47

Phoenix Models 78 inch P-47

Phoenix models 78 inch P-47. This is new, never flown. One of the best warbirds I have ever flown! (…
Total views: 9
Price: $ 675.00
Eflite 78 inch T-28

Eflite 78 inch T-28

Eflite 78 inch t-28. Painted in camo like they flew in Vietnam. HS upgraded nose gear, and upgraded motor to…
Total views: 8
Price: $ 230.00


This item is being sold by Richard Smith of the Tramps. The price is marked on the image. It is…
Total views: 37
Price: Free
Plane, Helicopters, and Radio for sale

Plane, Helicopters, and Radio for sale

These items are being sold by Richard Smith of Tramps. Prices are marked on images. They are local pickup only.
Total views: 57
Price: Free