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63 inch ARF Art Scholl’s Super Chipmunk
63 inch ARF Art Scholl’s super chipmunk. Fiberglass, scale fuse. I had one I flew on a 70 surpass. Flies…
Total views: 12
Price: $ 250.00
Total views: 12
Price: $ 250.00
HSD Cessna 182
HSD Cessna 182. Much better quality than eflite’s 150. New, they are 369 + shipping and tax. Asking 225! It…
Total views: 7
Price: $ 225.00
Total views: 7
Price: $ 225.00
Flightline F7F Tigercat Twin
Flightline f7f tigercat twin. 63 inch wing. Great flying twin! Done in night fighter black.. asking 230.
Total views: 7
Price: $ 230.00
Total views: 7
Price: $ 230.00
Phoenix Models 78 inch P-47
Phoenix models 78 inch P-47. This is new, never flown. One of the best warbirds I have ever flown! (…
Total views: 9
Price: $ 675.00
Total views: 9
Price: $ 675.00
Eflite 78 inch T-28
Eflite 78 inch t-28. Painted in camo like they flew in Vietnam. HS upgraded nose gear, and upgraded motor to…
Total views: 8
Price: $ 230.00
Total views: 8
Price: $ 230.00
This item is being sold by Richard Smith of the Tramps. The price is marked on the image. It is…
Total views: 37
Price: Free
Total views: 37
Price: Free
Plane, Helicopters, and Radio for sale
These items are being sold by Richard Smith of Tramps. Prices are marked on images. They are local pickup only.
Total views: 57
Price: Free
Total views: 57
Price: Free