Minutes of BARC July 2022 Meeting

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BARC Meeting July 7, 2022 Empire Airport Doug Stolz called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm with twelve members present. By unanimous vote the minutes from the previous meeting were approved. Treasurer’s Report (Jim Tyler): For the month, starting … Continued

Minutes of September Meeting

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BARC Meeting September 9, 2021, Thompsonville Airport Doug Stolz called the meeting to order at 5:45 pm with twelve members present. By unanimous vote the minutes from the previous meeting were approved. Treasurer’s Report (Jim Tyler): The airshow was a … Continued

Sad News: Oggie Died

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Jim Eggert, a stalwart flyer at the Empire Airport, died peacefully at age 80. I will remember him for his can of beer, his Kaos, and his cheerful goodwill for everyone. Here is a link to the obituary in the … Continued