Flying Sunday
Temp 51, wind 10-15 mph, 50% chance of rain. Anyone going to try it?
Temp 51, wind 10-15 mph, 50% chance of rain. Anyone going to try it?
Flying at Thompsonville Thursday, October 28th at 3:00pm.
Flying at Thompsonville Sunday, October24th at 1:00pm.
Wind and rain forecast.
There will RC flyers at Thompsonville today ( Tuesday, October 19th) at 11:00am.
If you can make it out to the field at 12:00n instead of 1:00 to help mow it would be appreciated. It should only take about a half an hour or so.
Thompsonville, 1:00pm.
Thompsonville, Thursday, October 14th at 3:00pm Hot Dogs and chips.
75% chance of strong thunder storms forecast for 2:00pm. Anyone going to give it a try?
Flying at Thompsonville Thursday, October 7th at (3:00pm not 4:00, getting dark earlier.) Hot dogs.