BARC Meeting September 9, 2021, Thompsonville Airport
Doug Stolz called the meeting to order at 5:45 pm with twelve members present.
By unanimous vote the minutes from the previous meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report (Jim Tyler):
The airshow was a great success. There were a large number of spectators. This generated approximately one thousand dollars for the airport. Our club broke even, which is what we wanted.
The balance in the club bank account now is $1712.
Safety Officer (Dennis Holcombe, David Jeris):
There were no untoward events. It was mentioned that we need to always call out before we walk onto the active runway.
Webmaster (Jay Stolz):
Any member may post messages. You need to contact Jay for details.
Election of Club Officers for upcoming year:
A call was made for members wanting to run for an office. As no one volunteered, the following slate was offered:
President: Doug Stolz
Vice President: Brad Dixon
Treasurer: Jim Tyler
Secretary: Peter Blitzer
Safety Officers: Dennis Holcombe, David Jeris
Webmaster: Jay Stolz
A vote was held and this slate was approved unanimously.
New Business
Good News! The Frankfort H.S. has once again approved our indoor flying in their gymnasium. The details have yet to be finalized, but it will probably be on Saturday afternoons starting sometime in November.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 pm.
Submitted by Peter Blitzer
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