There is no schedueled flying session at Thompsonville Thursday, as rain and snow are forecast. We will be flying indoor at Frankfort High School, Saturday, November 2nd at 1:00pm.
There is no schedueled flying session at Thompsonville Thursday, as rain and snow are forecast. We will be flying indoor at Frankfort High School, Saturday, November 2nd at 1:00pm.
Do to inclement weather, there is not a Club flying sessions scheduled for Thursday, October 24th.
Do to Thursdayy weather forecast of temps in the 50’s and wind, the date of our regular weekly flying session has been changed to Sunday, October 20th at 3:00pm. Sundays forecast is for temps in the 60’s and winds 5-7 mph. … Continued
We will be flying at the Empire Airport at 3:00 pm this afternoon, Wednesday 10-9-2019.
Flying at Thompsonville Thursday, October 10th at 4:00pm. Bring stuff to fly, check out the new canopy and have a hot dog or two.
We Will be assembling the new Canopy at Thompsonville today (Monday October 7th at 3:00pm). The weed killer spraying operation has been postponed until next spring. Also, bring stuff to fly. Hot dogs will be served.
It looks like tomorrows flying session at Thompsonville (Thursday October 3rd) might be a rain out. Reminder: This comming Sunday, October 6th is the BARC Fall Banquet.