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There is no schedueled flying session at Thompsonville Thursday, as rain and snow are forecast. We will be flying indoor at Frankfort High School, Saturday, November 2nd at 1:00pm.

Flying this week

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Do to Thursdayy weather forecast of temps in the 50’s and wind, the date of our regular weekly flying session has been changed to Sunday, October 20th at 3:00pm. Sundays forecast is for temps in the 60’s and winds 5-7 mph. … Continued

Work Detail

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We Will be assembling the new Canopy at Thompsonville today (Monday October 7th at 3:00pm). The weed killer spraying operation has been postponed until next spring. Also, bring stuff to fly. Hot dogs will be served.

Flying Thursday??

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It looks like tomorrows flying session at Thompsonville (Thursday October 3rd) might be a rain out. Reminder: This comming Sunday, October 6th is the BARC Fall Banquet.